Top Azure Synapse Interview Questions (2024) | CodeUsingJava

Most frequently asked Azure Synapse Interview Questions

  1. What is Azure Synapse Analytics?
  2. What are the Features of Azure Synapse Analytics?
  3. What is the Enterprise Business Intelligence in Azure Synapse Analytics?
  4. What are the Azure Synapse components?
  5. How can we join data in Azure Synapse from dedicated sql pool and serverless sql pool?
  6. How can we create a morden data platform in Azure Synapse Analytics?
  7. How can we copy data in Azure SQL DW by using ADF?
  8. What is a Data Lakehouse?
  9. What is HTAP Implementation in Azure Synapse Analytics?
  10. How can we query a SQL Server Database from Azure Synapse Without Using a Pipeline?
  11. How can we convert a string to a map in Azure Data Synapse Data Flow?

What is Azure Synapse Analytics?

Azure Synapse Analytics is used in bringing the data integration, enterprising warehouse and big data analysis.It also brings the unified experience in ingesting, exploring, preparing, managing and serving data for BI and Machine learning needs.Azure Synapse is used in giving us the freedom in querying data on our terms y using serverless or dedicated resource scale.

What are the Features of Azure Synapse Analytics?

Features of Azure Synapse Analytics are as follows:
  • Workload Isolation - Az Synapse allows in managing the execution in the heterogeneous workload, we can also reserve for the workload group with the increased flexibility.
  • Data Streaming Ingestion - Az Synapse is used in allowing us in running queries over the streaming data in our data warehousing environment.
  • Machine Learning Integration - It helps in integrating with Azure Machine Learning and can predict and score the ML models in generating predictions in the data warehouse.
  • Effective Data Sharing - We can share data lake internally and externally with Az Data Share Integration and there is no need in moving data across different database.
  • Integration with other Microsoft Technologies - Az synapse helps in integrating with Microsoft Solutions like Azure Data Lake, Azure Active Directory, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Blob Storage and Power BI.

What is the Enterprise Business Intelligence in Azure Synapse Analytics?


What are the Azure Synapse components?

Azure Synapse Analytics consists the following components:
  • SQL Analytics
  • Apache Spark
  • Data Integration
  • Studio

How can we join data in Azure Synapse from dedicated sql pool and serverless sql pool?

We can execute serverless access in our table by using create External Table in our data lake and also allows us in reading it from another Openrowset query.

val jdbcHostname = ""
val jdbcPort = 1433
val jdbcDatabase = "master"

//Create connection String
val jdbcUrl = s"jdbc:server://:;database=;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;hostNameInCertificate=*;loginTimeout=60;"

import java.util.Properties
val props = new Properties()
val jdbcUsername = "someSQLUser"
val jdbcPassword = "xxx"
props.put("user", s"")
props.put("password", s"")

val driverClass = ""
props.put("Driver", s"")

val sqlQuery = """select top 10 *
from openrowset(
    bulk '',
    format = 'parquet') AS rows"""

// used for working but isn't using the prop object
 val df ="jdbc").
     option("url", jdbcUrl).
     option("user", s"").
     option("password", s"").
     option("Driver", s"").
     option("query", sqlQuery).

How can we create a morden data platform in Azure Synapse Analytics?


How can we copy data in Azure SQL DW by using ADF?

We can copy the data by using SQL authentication with Az AD application token authentication and also can retrieve it by using SQL query or stored procedures.Loading or copying data is done in bulk and also can create destination table if the source schema does not exists.
"enableStaging": true,
  "stagingSettings": {
                                "linkedServiceName": {
                                    "referenceName": "LS_StagedCopy",
                                    "type": "LinkedServiceReference"
                                "path": "myContainer/myPath",
                                "enableCompression": false

What is a Data Lakehouse?

Data Lakehouse is used in enabling and implementing data structure and management features, it contains low of cost storage used in data lake.It is used in merging the data into a single systems which helps in moving faster and are able to use data without using to access multiple systems.

What is HTAP Implementation in Azure Synapse Analytics?

HTAP Implementation is used for achieving real time data integrations with Azure Database in our infrastructure and also can get data from out databases by using the simple, low cost, cloud native implementation.


How can we query a SQL Server Database from Azure Synapse without using a Pipeline?

We can use the following command for solving the query of SQL Server Database from Az Synapse with out using Pipeline:
import pyodbc

sqlQuery = "select @@version v"


  conn = pyodbc.connect( 'DRIVER={ODBC Driver 20 for SQL Server};'
                        'PWD=youWish;', autocommit = True )

  cursor = conn.cursor()

  row = cursor.fetchone()
  while row:
    row = cursor.fetchone()


  # Tidy up

How can we convert a string to a map in Azure Data Synapse Data Flow?

We can convert a string in a map by using the following command: