Top Azure B2C Interview Questions (2024) | CodeUsingJava

Most frequently asked Azure B2C Interview Questions

  1. What is Azure B2C?
  2. What are the basic steps for setting up Azure AD B2C?
  3. What is the procedure of Azure Active Directory B2C?
  4. How can we add a Saas Application to B2C?
  5. What is B2C tenant in Azure?
  6. What is cmdlet in Azure?
  7. Explain the architecture of an Az AD B2C Tenant?
  8. How can we Integrate AD B2C with external user stores?
  9. How can we disable sign-up in Azure AD B2C?
  10. How can we customize attributes with predetermined values in Azure AD B2C?
  11. How can we searching Active Directory B2C by custom property on User?
  12. Explain the procedure of multi tenancy in the API?

What is Azure B2C?

Azure B2C is an Active Directory Business to Consumer and is responsible for handling the users acc sign in, profile editing and password reset functionalities outside the applications that are developed for specifying functionalities.It also leverages identity which stores outside of our company, it is an authentication service for facing problems publicly.Azure AD B2C is used for providing third party identities like Google+, Facebook, Amazon and LinkedIn, for providing one stop shop for authentication.

What are the basic steps for setting up Azure AD B2C?

For setting up Azure AD B2C, use the following steps:
  • Creating an Azure AD B2C Tenant.
  • Switching to Az AD B2C directory.
  • Setting up third party identity provider.
  • Creating sign up, sign in, password reset and editing policy.
  • Configuring our app for using Az AD B2C policy we created.

What is the procedure of Azure Active Directory B2C?

Azure B2C

How can we add a Saas Application to B2C?

As B2C supports OpenID Connect, it needs OAuth tweaks for addition in profile details.The SaaS Application is used for making changes, if we need a bridge.For supporting WS FED and SAML we need a bridge as described.

What is B2C tenant in Azure?

Az AD B2C Tenant is used in representing a collection of identities which are used with replying party applications.We can add new OpenID Connect for providing under Az AD B2C and provides custom policies, Azure AD B2C that can federate for an Azure AD which allows authentication of employees in an organization.

What is cmdlet in Azure?

Azure cmdlet act as a light weight command which is used as a part of Microsoft Azure PowerShell environment, and are summoned by the Azure PowerShell which automates the script and is in a command line.Azure PowerShell is also used in invoking the runtime additionally and automatically through Az PowerShell APIs.

Explain the architecture of an Az AD B2C Tenant?

Azure B2C

How can we Integrate AD B2C with external user stores?

Azure AD B2C is used in providing directory which holds custom attributes per users and we can also integrate with external systems.Az AD B2C is also used in authentication and alos delegate to an external customer relationship management or customer loyalty database as the source of truth for the customer data.

How can we disable sign-up in Azure AD B2C?

We can disable sign up in Azure AD B2C as we can only have a basic UI customization optiona and we cannot get the full set of features.
<TechnicalProfile Id="SelfAsserted-LocalSign-Username-NoSignUp">
    <DisplayName>Local Account Signin</DisplayName>
    <Protocol Name="Proprietary" Handler="Web.TPEngine.Providers.SelfAssertedAttributeProvider, Web.TPEngine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />
        <!-- The user wants to disable sign-up on unified policy -->
        <!-- <Item Key="SignUpTarget">SignUpWithLogonUsernameExchange</Item> -->
        <Item Key="setting.operatingMode">Username</Item>
        <Item Key="ContentDefinitionReferenceId">api.selfasserted-ext-local</Item>
        <Item Key="language.button_continue">Login</Item>

How can we customize attributes with predetermined values in Azure AD B2C?

Azure B2C

How can we searching Active Directory B2C by custom property on User?

var authContext = aawait ActiveDirectoryClientFactory.GetAuthenticationContext(AuthConfiguration.Tenant,
AuthConfiguration.GraphUrl, AuthConfiguration.ClientId, AuthConfiguration.ClientSecret);
var url = eq '{CustomerID}'";
var users = await _graphApiHttpService.GetAll<User>(url, authContext.AccessToken);

Explain the procedure of multi tenancy in the API?

Azure B2C